Concussion Imaging Assessment for Legal Professionals

Don't leave the outcome of high impact claims to subjective human discretion. Communicate brain injury with a comprehensive fMRI and DTI assessment that locates damaged brain tissue and details symptom presentations.

Win Cases with

Medical Imaging Evidence

Substantiate Injury Through Data

Current assessment methods are repeatedly deemed "insufficient subjective medical evidence", leaving concussed clients without much-needed financial compensation. Introduce MRI and fMRI evidence and let objective data reveal the objective extent of brain damage.

Key Insights for Differential Diagnosis

The complex and unpredictable nature of the brain makes differential diagnosis a difficult task. Provide expert medical witnesses with concussion injury data in over 100 essential structural and functional "regions of interest" or ROIs.

Save on Litigation Costs

Current assessment methods lead to claims being adjudicated based on subjective evidence which is easily discredited which in turn results in lengthy trials and high litigation costs. Get to the point with concussion imaging and equip your team with case-winning objective evidence.

Find Previously Undetectable Injuries

Current assessment methods measure brain damage indirectly and consequently lack the sensitivity and specificity to reliably identify all impairments during testing. If structural or functional damage is present, our MRI and fMRI analysis methods can detect it.

Ready to learn more? Get in touch!

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a meeting, please send us a message. See our patient information sheet for eligibility and what to expect during the scan.
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