About TBIFinder

Based on over 15 years of research, renowned medical physicist Dr. Michael D. Noseworthy has created a specialized software that uses MRI data to unlock the mystery of concussion. Published scientific journals have proven the effectiveness of the TBIFinder technique and partnering with physiatrist Dr. Dinesh Kumbhare our data has been established as essential for treatment-related decisions.

TBIFinder uses Big Data analytics to identify the presence, severity, and location of a concussion. This means that no baseline scan is required so that physicians can link injured brain areas with clinical patient symptoms.

Our services will provide you with a comprehensive report and a 3D image of your client's injury to finally equip your team with the evidence necessary to make important concussion-related decisions.

Meet Our Team



Mike is a leading expert in the field of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with over 31 years experience. He is a professional engineer and a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at McMaster University. He excels in the role of Director of the McMaster School of Biomedical Engineering, as well as the Director of Imaging Physics and Engineering for the Imaging Research Centre at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton.



Dinesh is an internationally regarded physiatrist with over 25 years experience in rehabilitation medicine. He has had the opportunity to assess concussion in a variety of patients including Canadian Football League (CFL) and American Hockey League (AHL) professional athletes. Dinesh has further developed a significant network within the legal community due to his diligence and care when providing medical legal reports.



Nick leads all business operations along with research and product development. He has recently completed his Masters in Biomedical Engineering at McMaster University with a specialization in MRI technological development. He is further pursuing an industrial Ph.D. at McMaster in Electrical and Computer Engineering where his blend of technical and business skills will help grow TBIfinder and improve its product.

Ready to learn more? Get in touch!

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a meeting, please send us a message. See our patient information sheet for eligibility and what to expect during the scan.
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