Concussion Imaging Assessment for Health Professionals

Using advanced MRI techniques (DTI and fMRI), your team will be equipped with concussion data such as injury severity and affected white and gray matter structures to help improve treatment, and reduce recovery time.

Improve Concussion Patient Recovery with MRI

Maximize Injury Assessment Efficiency

Locate impaired brain areas and assess injury severity with MRI to help you and your patient clearly understand the concussion. Be a step ahead of evolving symptom presentations and eliminate countless hours of reactive treatment strategies with a more efficient injury assessment.

Key Insights for Differential Diagnosis

Minimize false-positive and false-negative diagnoses by using objective medical imaging analysis to corroborate patient symptoms with functional and structural abnormalities in relevant brain regions. Further localize the site of injury to rule out other neurological pathologies.

We Go Beyond Traditional Imaging

Although computed tomography (CT) and advanced MRI sequences (i.e. MRS, SWI, etc.) are useful for severe concussion trauma, we go beyond traditional methods to properly assess mild cases of concussion and provide useful information for all patients suffering from a brain injury.

Offer Personalized & Targeted Rehabilitation

A more personalized diagnosis prevents common setbacks and helps increase active rehabilitation intensity at a safe pace. Further reduce traditional rehabilitation bottlenecks by intentionally stimulating pathological brain regions with more targeted exercise approaches.

Ready to learn more? Get in touch!

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a meeting, please send us a message. See our patient information sheet for eligibility and what to expect during the scan.
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